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ISO / TS 29001-2007 (archive)
The quality management system of product and service supply organizations in petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries

Status: archive

Current version: ISO 29001-2020

ISO / TS 29001-2007  governs quality management in the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. As in other cases, this standard does not imply the quality control of finished products, as it is designed to control the production process.

Priority is given to:

  • Design Literacy: the presence of development plans and strategies to improve all aspects of economic activity is the most important operational part of the enterprise.
  • Human resources management: recruitment of qualified staff, regular training, increase of professional level of employees, as well as the actions of the company’s management.
  • Regular analysis of the product quality requirements; the introduction of new technologies and techniques at the enterprise.
  • Communication with customers, attention to their wishes and requirements, as well as analysis of the characteristics of the market.

It also explores achievements in the field of implementation of the energy efficiency program and related environmental requirements, so that this aspect of  ISO 29001 certification plays an important role.

The benefits of obtaining ISO 29001 certification

Proses from obtain of this certificate are obvious, as it has a positive effect on the profitability of the enterprise, as the oil and gas industry are among the most profitable in our country. Oil and Gas have the largest weight in the annual volume of gross domestic product.

The certificate gives the right to participate in public tenders and get the most lucrative contracts. These agreements not only increase the profitability of the enterprise as a whole, but also significantly improve its ranking.

This also applies to cooperation with foreign companies that are willing to work only with reliable partners.

Why we?

Why is it worth cooperating with us? It's simple - our team is working to get the result. We are ready to conduct a preliminary audit to detect deficiencies, as well as provide information support for their early elimination. Our specialists are always available and ready to answer the most difficult questions, while maintaining confidentiality.

We have extensive experience of cooperation with oil and gas industry enterprises, therefore can guarantee a professional approach at every stage. Our team solves tasks quickly without breaking the operational rhythm of the enterprise. We are sure you will be satisfied with the result!

Online request

Types of certificates

How to receive the certificate?

The applicant provides to the certification bode «SMK STANDART» the filled application form for obtaining the certificate by means of filling of a form on our site.

If you have additional questions – contact our specialists by phone +442035146935.
